Thursday, December 9, 2010

ATX Awakening


We’re seeing Him.  We’re hearing Him.  We’re obeying Him. 

The last couple of days have been quite an exciting journey among a crew of young folk here at ONEchapel.  Sunday night launched a call for 7 days for prayer and prophecy among the group and things have been shaking!  For the last 4 nights there has been some sort of meeting among brothers and sisters and God has been glorified.  It is just the beginning…

    • Sunday-prayer and prophecy at the office.
    • Monday-meeting with other believers in the city to hear God speak through Bill Johnson
    • Tuesday-prayer and prophecy over a family in the church
    • Wednesday-weekly prayer meeting for the ONEchapel family
    • Thursday- TBA

It’s exciting to think that what is beginning in our baby church is going to impact the city and maybe even the nation!  It has been said that there is a revival starting here.  I believe it but I also want to give credit where it is due.  We aren’t the first to have asked for this or cried out for the city of Austin.  There have been intercessors here for decades on their faces praying for this place.  There has been work among the already established churches to soften the ground.  There have been warriors that have risen up to fight for our city.  And now we join their efforts. 

All that said, I know what is happening among us is hugely significant for the Spirit to be loosed on this place!  Yes, it is about more than us, but we are also a formidable force as we wage war for hearts in Austin.

To be less ambiguous, here are some of the fruit we’ve seen already in just this week: encouragement, joy, peace, refreshing, healing (there are stories!), direction for life, revelation of the Father heart of God, love, camaraderie, new tongues, and more!

That’s exciting!  Now, here’s something that God’s put on my heart that excites me even more: the fruit that is yet to come!!!!!

I’m believing for: salvations, the orphan put in homes, homeless getting jobs, addictions of alcoholism, drugs, sex, and other bondages being broken, people freed of demons, the bars of 6th St being turned in to houses of missions and hope, open visions of heaven, awakening from the spirit of passivity, purpose for every family in the church, greater revelation of God’s heart of love, all the fruit of the Spirit being manefest (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control), God’s glory being manifest in a powerful and tangible way.  That’s just a start!

As Pastor Ross said, close your eyes and picture what it looks like for the Spirit to be poured out on the city.  What do you see?  What does it look like?  What changes?